Where to buy?

alco bye® can be purchased in the largest pharmacies in Latvia, including online stores.

Buy alco bye® in a way that's convenient and easy for you.

Here you will find links to different sellers.

You are welcome to visit our online store shop.metfarm.com too! 
About alco bye®
alco bye® is a food supplement after alcohol consumption.

Registered by Food and Health administration by nr. 6779.

Do not use a food supplement as a substitute for a complete and balanced diet.

alco bye® is invented and manufactured in Latvia. The formula was developed by a medical narcologist and is patented.
Phone: +371 20001386
e-mail: info@metfarm.eu
Address: Bauskas street 58-7, Riga, Latvija, LV-1004
alco bye®  owner and producer is Metfarm Ltd.
© alco bye® 2024.
All rights reserved.
Use of information only with permission of the owner.
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